Preparing Central Coast residents for the jobs of today and tomorrow is essential not just for growing more quality jobs but also for ensuring that everyone has pathways into those jobs.
It’s a core part of our vision for a Central Coast where current and future generations have the opportunity to thrive. The future of work is changing faster than ever before. By aligning and building on our robust educational system, we can collectively enhance the region’s ability to grow from within — developing the talent pipeline our industries need and providing living-wage job opportunities to our residents.
Fresh insight on talent development
Extensive data collection, analysis and input from more than 40 stakeholders informed our recent report on bolstering the region’s talent pipeline for key industries. Developed by fellows and affiliates of the Brookings Institution and and similar policy research groups, the report surfaced two key findings:
- The need for a streamlined, employer-centric approach to aggregating and addressing talent needs across a fragmented industry and workforce development landscape.
- The region’s ripe opportunity in precision manufacturing and autonomous systems, which cuts across the common technical skills and knowledge at the heart of regional strengths in tech, aerospace and manufacturing, with applications for other regional industries such as cleantech.

- Published detailed data about the region’s workforce trends, labor supply and in-demand jobs and skills as part of the two-county region’s first-ever comprehensive economic development strategy
- Surfaced additional analysis on workforce needs for key industries as part of a series of economic impact and growth reports, a critical roadmap for collaborative action and investment in the region
- Brought the region’s higher education leaders together for the first time for a meeting with Senior Newsom Advisor and GO-Biz Director Dee Dee Myers